Introduction to Video Game Design
Interactivity is the principal element defining games as a medium.

Interaction is created with input/output systems or cycles between the player and machine of feedback and response.
A system of interaction in a video game
- encourages exploration and understanding of the interface.
- encourages discovery and exploration within the game world.
- allows the user to master the tools of the game.



Other types of input
- Voice or sound
- 3d sensing - Kinect, Wii
- Arcade guns (light sensing)
- Other haptic sensors

- Video
- Audio
- Haptic
A game uses feedback to communicate information to the player about the state of the game.
The state of the game includes things like
- the level.
- the score.
- other metrics like health, speed or player status.
- information about other players in the game world, like location.
- information about other actors in the game world, like difficulty level.
Positive feedback
In order for players to understand how games are meant to be played, games must provide
Positive feedback is easy to understand and motivates the player to get better at the game.
Confusing or discouraging feedback is not positive.

Losing the game can be a form of positive feedback, if the reasons for losing are clear, and allow the player to develop their understanding of the game world and rules.
Game mechanics
Game mechanics are the system of rules that governs the way a user interacts with a game.
Game mechanics build up within in a game to create a complex world.
- The interface allows the user to make actions.
- The game records the action and makes decisions based on the input and environment.
- Feedback in the form of changing game states is given to the user.
- The user interprets the feedback and adjusts their apporach.
This cycle continues until the game reaches its end.
Game dynamics
Game dynamics are the product of the game mechanics which determine the progress and experience of the game.
In a game with good dynamics,
- the rules of the game are easy to learn (not necessarily easy to master).
- the user is in direct control of the game avatar.
- players improve through gameplay.
- the game gives immediate feedback.
- the game gives sufficient feedback.
- the game allows recovery from mistakes.
Goals, obstacles and rewards

Most games have established goals, whether they're specific, like saving the princess, or vague, like exploring an abandoned island.
Games use obstacles and rewards to lead the player toward goals and provide challenges to reaching those goals.
The line between goal, obstacle and reward can often be blurred.
Complex games often have a variety of obstacles and rewards and multiple goals that are either sequenced or occurring contemporaneously. These elements add up to make a complex game world with multiple possibilities.
Goals can be objectives for the player to progress through a game or win the game.
Many games have one main goal and several side goals.
Goals can be compounded to create a complex series of events. You may need to defeat several groups of enemies before reaching a level boss, and several level bosses before reaching the final boss of the game.
Side goals may sometimes are unrelated to the main goal of the game.
Also referred to as challenges, obstacles are puzzles, enemies or other obstacles that prevent the player from achieving goals.
Sometimes challenges help lead player towards the goals.
Obstacles, like goals and rewards, are usually related to the game genre.
In a puzzle based game you may have to solve math or logic based puzzles, either with limited or unlimited time. In an arcade game, obstacles are usually enemies or barriers.
In some games obstacles are more abstract, like locating items or characters, or deciding to choose different branches of a story.
Rewards can take the form of currency, objects, visual rewards or other items given to the player for completing challenges or defeating obstacles.
Rewards help tell the player that they are playing correctly and moving in the correct direction.
Rewards typically effect the game play, such as enhancing aspects of the player or revealing new parts of the game.
Some rewards may be purely aesthetic and non-functional, like new graphics for the character.