Upload a project to itch.io and update the project page. To export a build to use in this lab follow the steps in Exporting a Build
1. Setup
- Prepare a web build and any other platform builds you want to use
- Make sure the web build has an
2. Itch account
- Create an account on itch.io and login
- From the menu, choose
Upload new project
3. Update project page
- Fill in the form and preview the page
- Make edits you need and click publish
- The page will not be viewable until you go back and publish after preview
- For Web build make sure to check playable in browser
- Save/bookmark a link to the page for the User Testing lab
4. Open Lab post
- Post your build on the Open Lab
- Optional: Share it on Discord
- Note: Published games cannot include any art, design or sound assets from MMP 270 demo projects