Dialog Systems and Add-Ons

Create a dialog system using the Godot Add-On Dialogic. This lab goes along with the NPC art lab.

1. Setup

2. Create the NPC scene

3. Create a Dialogic dialog

4. Connect the Dialogic dialog to the NPC

5. Add at least one more dialog

6. Documentation

Full NPC Script

extends Area2D

# global variables
export var dialog_name = "Dialog Name"
var player = null
var dialog = null
var player_entered = false
var dialog_started = false
signal update_metrics

func _ready():
	$Label.visible = false

func _process(_delta):
	if player_entered and not dialog_started:
		if Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_accept"):
			$Label.visible = false
			dialog_started = true
			dialog = Dialogic.start(dialog_name)
			Dialogic.set_variable("apple_count", Global.item_count)
			dialog.connect('timeline_end', self, 'end_dialog')
			dialog.connect('dialogic_signal', self, 'update_resources')

func end_dialog(_param):

func update_resources(param):
	if param == 'add_fireball':
		print('Added a fireball!')
	if param == 'remove_apple':
		Global.item_count -= 1

func _on_NPC_body_entered(body):
	# when player enters NPC area
	$Label.visible = true
	player_entered = true
	player = body

func _on_NPC_body_exited(body):
	# when player leaves
	player_entered = false
	dialog_started = false
	$Label.visible = false

Update PlayerSimple.gd

# variables
var is_moving = true

func talk():
	is_moving = false
func move():
	is_moving = true

Update SceneManager.gd

func _on_NPC_update_metrics():