Add platformer physics to the PlayerController script started in the Programming Intro.
1. Setting up the Godot Project
- Use your game project or download the Default Project Template
- Download the Assets folder if you need any assets
- Save the previous
- Continue editing
2. Add Physics scripting
- Add variables for gravity and jumping force
- Update the physics and animations for the player
- Add a game over condition for the player falling below a platform
- Add function for when the player dies
3. Connect to the SceneManager
- Add a signal to connect the scene manager when the Player falls below the game window
4. Add one of the following
- A double jump
- A “run” mode that makes the character move faster
5. Documentation
- Add screen shots or video on Open Lab
Full script
extends KinematicBody2D
# physics settings for player
export var speed = 100
export var gravity = 800
export var jump_force = 400
export var wall_jump_enabled = false
# "private" vars
var is_alive = true # to allow scene to run without character updating
var velocity : Vector2 = Vector2()
var is_jumping = false # track if jumping for landing sound
signal player_hit # signal if player is hit by obstacle
func _ready():
if not is_on_floor():
is_jumping = true
# this function will run every time the game engine updates physics
func _physics_process(delta):
if is_alive:
func player_update(delta):
velocity.x = 0 # start by assuming player is not moving
# capture user input
if Input.is_action_pressed("move_left"):
velocity.x -= speed
if Input.is_action_pressed("move_right"):
velocity.x += speed
# apply player velocity
velocity = move_and_slide(velocity, Vector2.UP)
# apply gravity to player
velocity.y += gravity * delta
# detect landing before jump starts
# remove comments to play sfx
# if is_jumping and (is_on_floor() or is_on_wall()):
# is_jumping = false
# $
# jump input
var can_jump = is_on_floor() or (wall_jump_enabled and is_on_wall())
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("jump") and can_jump:
velocity.y -= jump_force
is_jumping = true
$AnimatedSprite.frame = 0
# remove comments to play sfx
# $
# update animation
if not is_on_floor():
elif abs(velocity.x) > 1:
# change sprite direction
if velocity.x < -1:
$AnimatedSprite.flip_h = true
if velocity.x > 1:
$AnimatedSprite.flip_h = false
# if player falls below screen
if is_alive and position.y > get_viewport().size.y * 2:
is_alive = false
emit_signal("player_hit", is_alive) # player is dead -- change to remove life
# called by scene manager if player out of lives
func dies():
is_alive = false
# remove comment to play sfx
# $