Add items and to be collected in Godot. This lab is good to pair with the Rewards lab.
1. Setting up the Godot Project
- Continue working with your game project, or download the Default Project Template
- This lab requires the Metrics to be set up in the scene, so grab the following things from Assets
- This lab requires animated sprites for a collectible item such as a coin, or life
2. Add Items
- Add a Node2D to the scene hierarchy and name it
- Add a child instance of Item.tscn using the link button
- Add a script to the Item node called and save in the
3. Update the Scene Manager
- Update the scene manager to update Global values and metrics with items
4. Add a third item
- What other types of items might be useful in your game? Add an extra item and explain what it would be used for in the documentation
- Example could be a specific key, powerup, story items, inventory items or anything else you can collect in a game
5. Documentation
- Document with a screen shot or video and post on Open Lab
Full script
extends Area2D
# support for multiple item types
export var item_type = "apple"
# duplicate scene and replace art for new items
# when item is collected send signal to scene manager and update metrics
signal item_collected
# prevents item being collected multiple times
var item_is_collected = false
# when player body enters item area -- area2d does not cause collisions
func _on_Item_body_entered(_body):
# this assumes layer/mask setup only allows collisions with player
if not item_is_collected:
# prevent multiple collections during animation
item_is_collected = true
$AnimatedSprite.frame = 0 # make sure it plays from beginning
# emit signal to add to global item count
emit_signal('item_collected', item_type)
# remove comment to play sfx
# $
# when the collected animation finishing play, remove the item
func _on_AnimatedSprite_animation_finished():
if item_is_collected:
Add to
# update Global based on items, update metrics display
func _on_item_collected(item_type):
if item_type == 'apple':
Global.item_count = Global.item_count + 1
if item_type == 'life' and Global.player_lives < Global.total_lives:
Global.player_lives = Global.player_lives + 1