Add obstacles and collions in Godot using graphics from the Obstacles and Enemies lab.
1. Setting up the Godot project
- Use your game project or download the Default Project Template
- Download the Assets folder if you need any assets
2. Add collision layers and masks
- Setup default collision layers in masks in
Project > Project Settings > Layer Names > 2d Physics
- You may not need all of the same layers but the default layers include:
- Player
- Platform
- Item
- ObstacleBody
- ObstacleHit
- ObstacleAttack
- ObstacleDetect
3. Add a static obstacle
- The first obstacle will not be moving
- Add a sprite and collider
- Add
script - Modify
for hitting obstacle
4. Add a second obstacle scene
- Make something unique about this obstacle, for example it could deal more damage to the player, or disappear if the player runs into it
5. Documentation
- Post screen shots or video on Open Lab
Updates to script
func obstacle_collision():
is_alive = false # player movement suspended before determining state
# after hit animation, test if player is still alive
func _on_AnimatedSprite_animation_finished():
if $AnimatedSprite.animation == 'Hit':
is_alive = true
emit_signal("player_hit", is_alive) # don't know if player should die yet
Updates to script
func _on_player_hit(is_alive):
if is_alive and Global.player_lives > 0:
Global.player_lives = Global.player_lives - 1
if not is_alive or Global.player_lives <= 0:
Full script
extends Area2D
# choose frame from sprite sheet
export var frame_number = 0
func _ready():
$Sprite.frame = frame_number
func _on_Obstacle_body_entered(body):
body.enemy_collision() # call enemy collision func in player